Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New hair cut and new friends

I know, it's been double the time since I promised I'd update. I've been a busy little stallion though! Two things first. Most importantly and easiest to see, I've been clipped! In order to keep track of my weight and muscling for my big show Mom clipped off all my winter coat this past week. Aren't I quite the handsome little horse? Second thing is that the Touch of Class has announced its show premium. I'll be in classes 147, 153, and 162. I'll possibly be in 158, Mom hasn't decided. I'll also be in the lunch time costume class. All my other classes will be after lunch.
I have so much more news still! Most people aren't aware that horses do have a set of baby teeth that they lose as their adult teeth come in and push the baby teeth/caps out. I've been losing my for the past month or so. Mom had found one front tooth and now, today, one molar too. She found it in my feed dish. Any one know a place that does jewelry from horse teeth? I'm thinking of mother's day... Ha! Just kidding. But Mom is looking into getting some equinite jewelry done. I think the idea is neat way to have a bit of your horse always with you.
In other news-as continued preparation for the show March 24th and 25th-I received a brand new custom halter by Victor. Victor is well known in the Scottsdale area and Arabian industry for his custom tack and fine show halters. He used to make the harnesses for Queen Elizabeth! Mom was delighted to have a halter by him for me. She says its part of my birthday gift. I also had a blanket customized with my name and the Eohippus logo. Now that I'm a big boy Mom says its time to start advertising and making myself known. I'll be doing a photo shoot in a week or so to get some professional stallion pictures taken. Stay tuned!
Last, but not least, there's a new addition around here. Well, two new additions really. But they count as one. Do you see them in the background of my picture? Yes, that's right: sheep. Miniature Cheviot Sheep to be exact. They're two ewes-that's female-named Polly and Butterfly. Mom didn't name them but she's not one for changing names. Besides, they sort of know them. They're rescued sheep so they're a little on the crazy side. They frighten me. This picture was taken moments before I bolted. I mean, I'm a big rough and tuff stallion but these things are scary.. Look at them! They're smaller than me and look like some sort of dog-camel-goat hybrid.
Mom says I'm going to have to get used to them; they're here to stay. What ever, I'll always be her favorite. Did you know my Mom's name (Rachel) means "ewe"? I guess she's one of these things. They're family or something-that has to be why she likes them so much. They sure don't look anything alike. Distant relatives twice removed I think. What ever. I'm still far more cute, I mean, handsome. Dashingly handsome and oh so studly. Yes, that's it.


Copyright Eohippus Miniatures/RNB
