Support your local Sheriff Show
Mom says times are tough right now. She says the horse market isn't what it was a few years ago and showing has taken a big hit too. When I first attended the Arizona Touch of Class Miniature Horse Show it was actually two shows, each two days long and held a day apart. This meant the horses were there for five days with four of showing. It was great! There were tons of horses, not just from Arizona but from all of the United States. Last year the show was reduced to just one show, but it lasted three days. This year the show is again just one show but only lasting two days. I'm sure its becoming harder, or at least more expensive, to travel to out of state shows. Not to mention the EHV-1 epidemic scare over the summer probably hasn't helped. This is why now its more important than ever to support your local shows.
Showing can get expensive-fast. Mom talks about it with me all the time. Together we review how I did, how much it cost, how much she enjoyed herself, and whether or not I had an enjoyable time as well. She claims the last two are the most important, however, I know its the first and the last. While we try to do a few "big" shows a year (registry supported shows/nationals qualifiers) we often have the most fun at the "local" shows. These are shows that are not just near by but smaller. They don't have the vendors that others do, if they have any at all, they're usually a part of a series, and put on for fun by a person or ranch. More often than not they don't cost much but provide valuable experience for both horse and rider/handler. Judges seem to be more willing to explain why something is the way it is, why they placed a certain horse how they did, and what they're looking for exactly. This is all knowledge that every show-human should strive to constantly attain. Even if you're not showing a horse because you don't have one or can't show yours at the moment there are always volunteer options for these small shows. They run off volunteers! Or, if you can't commit the time, just show up and support the show. Support any vendor that's there or make a small donation towards the show. It helps horses like me who need these shows for training, those who can't show with a registry show (or don't want to/can't pay the money to), and most importantly, these are where kids start showing first.
Grab a Bridle & Bit. They have local shows listed. Head out and cheer on the best looking horse there, or even better, show your horse!