Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my Birthday! I don't remember exactly what time I was born, but I was born 3/3/09, which is pretty cool. Mom's favorite number is 9 and 3 x 3 is 9! None of that matters to me though, the only thing that matters is that I get cake, treats, and plenty of love! I'm officially an adult horse, I'm now entering the show ring as a "senior" stallion. Pictures to come tomorrow!

Here are some of my first pictures ever! That's me with my horse-mom on the left and just little baby me on the right. I was an adorable baby! Now I'm a handsome stallion. Once my stallion portrait pictures are done I'll do a mini-time line of photos so you can see the change.

I'm off to go gorge myself on treats!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day!

Happy Leap Day every one! As all of you should know, today is February 29th, meaning we have an extra day this year. Unfortunately this also means I have an extra day until I get to celebrate my birthday on March 3rd. I'll be the big "3" this year! I'm now considered a "senior stallion" when showing, but I'm still a baby I swear. While I'm done getting any bigger my bones are still fusing. In fact, all 3 year horse bones are still fusing. The very last bone doesn't actually fuse until the horse is 7! The last bone to fuse is a vertebrae in the neck. Maybe this is why Mom babies me so much. Except for yesterday. Yesterday she tortured me.
You see, yesterday Mom decided to deliver me to the nest of the flightless white vultures you two-leggeds call "veterinarians." Once there I was drugged, knocked out cold so they could perform their terrifying and horrifying experiments on me. I don't care what Mom says. They weren't "floating" my teeth! They were testing some sort of deadly ray gun for horses. I just know it. Mom, however, insists I was just getting a routine procedure that every horse must go through. She says I even had it done last year. I don't really remember through... They must have drugged me then too. I guess even you two-leggeds have to go to the dentist and get your teeth looked at and examined too. Only your mouth is shallow compared to a horses. It doesn't hurt us any to have our teeth floated-which means the vet files (yes, files) off the sharp edges of our teeth. When horses chew they grind their teeth down, but luckily for horses we have very long teeth that keep rising up as we grind them down. When we're old we eventually run out of tooth and our teeth fall out, but until then we have to maintain the health of our teeth. If the teeth aren't worn down evenly they create sharp points on the edges, otherwise known as "hooks." These hooks can cause cuts and ulcers on our tongues and in our cheeks, so its important to keep up on your horses dental maintenance-even if we don't always like it. Luckily for me, Mom feels its important to go to some one certified to do this. Even more lucky, our vet is! So, once a year Cody, Avalon, Missy, and I load up and head to the vets for our dentals. And, once a year, we all end up looking like this:
But its ok! By the afternoon of the same day we're back to our regular selves. We're able to eat better and our tongues and cheeks are no longer sore or getting cut. As much as I hate going to the vulture nest and having this done, I sure do appreciate how great my teeth and mouth feel the next day. Plus Mom makes sure to give me extra cookies if I'm a good boy. Speaking of cookies... This Saturday is my birthday! Don't forget to wish me a happy birthday! I'm going to be 3!
Also, don't forget to give me lots of cookies and gifts!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New hair cut and new friends

I know, it's been double the time since I promised I'd update. I've been a busy little stallion though! Two things first. Most importantly and easiest to see, I've been clipped! In order to keep track of my weight and muscling for my big show Mom clipped off all my winter coat this past week. Aren't I quite the handsome little horse? Second thing is that the Touch of Class has announced its show premium. I'll be in classes 147, 153, and 162. I'll possibly be in 158, Mom hasn't decided. I'll also be in the lunch time costume class. All my other classes will be after lunch.
I have so much more news still! Most people aren't aware that horses do have a set of baby teeth that they lose as their adult teeth come in and push the baby teeth/caps out. I've been losing my for the past month or so. Mom had found one front tooth and now, today, one molar too. She found it in my feed dish. Any one know a place that does jewelry from horse teeth? I'm thinking of mother's day... Ha! Just kidding. But Mom is looking into getting some equinite jewelry done. I think the idea is neat way to have a bit of your horse always with you.
In other news-as continued preparation for the show March 24th and 25th-I received a brand new custom halter by Victor. Victor is well known in the Scottsdale area and Arabian industry for his custom tack and fine show halters. He used to make the harnesses for Queen Elizabeth! Mom was delighted to have a halter by him for me. She says its part of my birthday gift. I also had a blanket customized with my name and the Eohippus logo. Now that I'm a big boy Mom says its time to start advertising and making myself known. I'll be doing a photo shoot in a week or so to get some professional stallion pictures taken. Stay tuned!
Last, but not least, there's a new addition around here. Well, two new additions really. But they count as one. Do you see them in the background of my picture? Yes, that's right: sheep. Miniature Cheviot Sheep to be exact. They're two ewes-that's female-named Polly and Butterfly. Mom didn't name them but she's not one for changing names. Besides, they sort of know them. They're rescued sheep so they're a little on the crazy side. They frighten me. This picture was taken moments before I bolted. I mean, I'm a big rough and tuff stallion but these things are scary.. Look at them! They're smaller than me and look like some sort of dog-camel-goat hybrid.
Mom says I'm going to have to get used to them; they're here to stay. What ever, I'll always be her favorite. Did you know my Mom's name (Rachel) means "ewe"? I guess she's one of these things. They're family or something-that has to be why she likes them so much. They sure don't look anything alike. Distant relatives twice removed I think. What ever. I'm still far more cute, I mean, handsome. Dashingly handsome and oh so studly. Yes, that's it.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Superbowl! I bet most of you watched it, if not for the game then for the commercials. I know that's why I watched it! I don't really understand football and there's no horse version of it. I much prefer soccer, but that's ok. Mom didn't buy me a football jersey so I had to use whatever I could find...Baseball is close enough, right? Please? It doesn't matter anyway, I wasn't rooting for either team playing. I personally like the Colts and Broncos (Mom, however, says we root for the Patriots). It was a close game, a shame the last play at the end didn't work at the Patriots planned. More importantly, however, the commercials were excellent. I'm a big fan of the Budweiser Clydesdales. One year I might try to dress as one for Halloween. I also loved the french bulldog in the sketchers commercial. I didn't get to go out for any big barbecues, but I did get a few extra treats. Kia, on the other hand, was all dressed up and ready to do some cooking.
On a non-superbowl topic... The Pinto Horse Association horse show in  Queen Creek is next weekend. Because my real Dad is a visually identifiable pinto/paint I'm qualified to be registered in the PtHA. While eventually I will be registered with them and showing on their circuit, I'm sitting out this show. Mom will be going to check out the mini's that dominate their ring and see if I stand a chance. How could I not though, I mean, have you seen me? If you'd like further information on the show you can visit the Pinto Horse Association. They have their shows listed along with the contact information. I'll keep you posted on shows I'll be attending.

For now, I'm late for my daily run!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Support your local Sheriff Show

Mom says times are tough right now. She says the horse market isn't what it was a few years ago and showing has taken a big hit too. When I first attended the Arizona Touch of Class Miniature Horse Show it was actually two shows, each two days long and held a day apart. This meant the horses were there for five days with four of showing. It was great! There were tons of horses, not just from Arizona but from all of the United States. Last year the show was reduced to just one show, but it lasted three days. This year the show is again just one show but only lasting two days. I'm sure its becoming harder, or at least more expensive, to travel to out of state shows. Not to mention the EHV-1 epidemic scare over the summer probably hasn't helped. This is why now its more important than ever to support your local shows.

Showing can get expensive-fast. Mom talks about it with me all the time. Together we review how I did, how much it cost, how much she enjoyed herself, and whether or not I had an enjoyable time as well. She claims the last two are the most important, however, I know its the first and the last. While we try to do a few "big" shows a year (registry supported shows/nationals qualifiers) we often have the most fun at the "local" shows. These are shows that are not just near by but smaller. They don't have the vendors that others do, if they have any at all, they're usually a part of a series, and put on for fun by a person or ranch. More often than not they don't cost much but provide valuable experience for both horse and rider/handler. Judges seem to be more willing to explain why something is the way it is, why they placed a certain horse how they did, and what they're looking for exactly. This is all knowledge that every show-human should strive to constantly attain. Even if you're not showing a horse because you don't have one or can't show yours at the moment there are always volunteer options for these small shows. They run off volunteers! Or, if you can't commit the time, just show up and support the show. Support any vendor that's there or make a small donation towards the show. It helps horses like me who need these shows for training, those who can't show with a registry show (or don't want to/can't pay the money to), and most importantly, these are where kids start showing first.

Grab a Bridle & Bit. They have local shows listed. Head out and cheer on the best looking horse there, or even better, show your horse!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Getting In Shape

On Sunday Mom brought a guest over and we headed out with Avalon for a neighborhood hike/walk. I always enjoy getting out on the trail. The roads around my house are all dirt, there are a few roads with some pavement but they always have dirt shoulders. This is nice because I never have to worry about walking or slipping on pavement. Getting out of the yard is just plain fun too. I get to see all sorts of creatures; birds, rabbits, coyotes, other horses. It's also something different from my normal work outs. More often than not when ever some one sees me out on a walk they think I'm a big dog before they realize I'm just a little horse! Often Mom is asked "what can you do with a mini any how?" Well, there's a lot. Even if you're not into showing simply having a buddy when out on a walk can put a smile on any one's face. While miniature horses are very different than dogs (and as much as I hate to admit it, we should be treated like horses and not dogs-even if I want to lay in Mom's lap all day!) you can do much of the same things with them as you can dogs. Plenty of people enjoy talking their dog for a walk or even a jog. Plenty of times I even go jogging with Mom, she likes it because it keeps us both in shape!

Speaking of getting in shape... The Touch of Class Miniature Horse Show, otherwise known as "the biggest littlest horse show in Arizona" is no officially two months away. I work out 5 to 6 days a week now, but I need one or two days off to rest. I'm going to be ripped come show time! The show schedule hasn't been released but I promise as soon as it is I'll post it here and what classes I'll be in. We're all hoping that the show will be broadcast live online through Iequine again. I should be there both days, all day. If you come down you should stop by and say hello!

Hopefully I have more updates and stories for you next week!

P.S. - If you come to visit me at the show, I like gummy bears and cheezits!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Horse Soccer and Weekly Updates

It's been a while since I've done an update. Summer is slow for me and I don't get out much due to the heat. The fall brought very long days for Mom which allowed for very little computer time for me. However, Mom and I sat down and did some New Years resolutions. The main one being that I need to update my blog with some consistency. I've decided that by every Monday I'll have a new post. If I can't post something specifically about me or my adventures I'll post something horse related and interesting. Fortunately for every one I do have some interesting stuff to show you that has to do with me!

About a year or so ago horse soccer was getting really big and my feeding-lady decided to invest in one of these soccer balls. Although I'd been given the opportunity to play with the soccer ball I didn't really understand how until this year. When Mom decided to see what I'd do with it I took to it like a dog to a bone! She was kind enough to film me playing with it. It's about a minute and a half long (give it time to load).

The "biggest littlest horse show" is coming up in March. Unlike last year this show is only 2 days long (Saturday + Sunday). Mom is a little disappointed as this means the show has become smaller than in the past, however, I'm excited because with the show being on the weekend more people can come. The class schedule hasn't been posted yet but the dates are March 24th and 25th. It's the 25th year the show has been running (its also my first year with the adult stallions)! Its thanks to this very show 15 or so years ago that Mom got into miniature horses. Pretty neat huh?

Copyright Eohippus Miniatures/RNB
