Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween Costume Finished

What you've all been waiting for is finally finished! My pinata costume is complete. I guess I'm excited-well, as excited as a stallion wearing pink and other various neon colors can be! Of course these pictures are only a preview of the costume. For the contest on Saturday Mom's going to wrap my legs in purple vet wrap to match my face and complete the costume. Let's hope I win! Remember the contest is at Black Mountain Feed in Cave Creek. It starts at 12pm. You know I'm your favorite little stud muffin so come cheer me on!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Let me introduce you...

Let me introduce you to the future Mrs. Houck's Grande Kinson. Ok, maybe we're not quite there yet but someday! The rumors were true, Amanda did buy a little filly. Her name is Sparkle Plenty Supreme Misty Morn though she's just called Missy around the barn.

She's not much bigger than I am; about 28" tall and super petite. She's like a little Arabian (which Amanda loves). Her official color is silver bay roan; I like her because she's blonde. She's full of attitude and doesn't like me very much yet but that will change. She can't resist my charm for long-no one can!

Missy is six (what can I say? I like the older ladies) but Mom and Amanda say she has a lot of training to do. We'll be learning and schooling together.

On another note, I didn't make it to the show over the weekend. There was too much excitement with picking up Missy and me meeting her that we ran out of time for the show. Come the next show she'll be at my side.

My costume is still being worked on. Don't forget that I'm going to be in the costume contest at Black Mountain Feed on October 30th! Also, pick up your newest bridle and bit-I made the back cover.

That's all for now, I'm out!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The Arizona Fall Youth and Amateur AMHA Miniature Horse Show was on Sunday (which also happened to be 10/10/10, Mom says it's a really neat date and wont happen again for a really long time). We had been working towards this show but Mom wasn't sure she was going to be able to go up until the morning of the show. You see, my personal servant (Also known as my Mom's Mom) wasn't sure if she would be able to go or not until the very last minute. Mom doesn't like going alone and Amanda was out of town. On Saturday I got another full clip (I had, to my Mom's surprise, grown an astonishing amount of hair in one week), a bath, and a quick lesson to prepare for Sunday. Sunday morning Mom got the ok to go and everything was a rush. We hadn't registered for classes, I had to be measured in, and Mom had forgotten to prepare everything the night before. Oops! Needless to say we were running late when our neighbor called in a favor. His dinner from the previous night gave him a bout of food poisoning and he needed help feeding his horses. So my personal servant ran over to feed while Mom tried to put everything together so we could leave as soon as she got back.

Thankfully at 6:45 am on Sunday in Cave Creek/New River traffic is nonexistant and it took no time to get to Arthur Ramirez's trainign facility-where the show was being held. Once there Mom signed me up for my one class: Amateur Halter Junior Stallion Level 1 then took me over to get measured in. I'm 25.75"! That means I've grown  1/4" since the Touch of Class show back in March. I'm on track to top out at 26" (miniature horse colts tend to stop growing in height between 18 months and 24 months). Mom elated that I'm going to stay so small. The show started about a half hour late and classes were running slow. Before my class I had to stand around for five long hours. I did get to meet some of the fillies from I Am Ranch. Let me say, they sure were purdy! I really liked Joy, their palomino filly. But she didn't share my affections as right after I said a suave hello she squealed and struck out at me. Her mom says its because she likes her men taller. pffft. To put size in perspective: in the photo you can see Joy and I. She's about 8 months old and the same size as me... I also met a lot of people who had just come to see miniature horses. All of them fell in love with me and wanted a horse just like me! Maybe one day they can own one of my sons or daughters. Every one, owners, trainers, breeders, showers, and guests a like kept commenting on how nice of a stallion I am, especially for being so small.

Finally the time came for me to go into the arena and strut my stuff! I'll admit I get a little nervous being in that arena with people watching me. It makes me forget my training some times. It also didn't help that Mom forgot my treats so my attention wasn't always on her (like any boy the key to my heart is through my stomach). We did our best though. When it came time for placings the loud speaker announced that the judges had placed unanimously. This is a very good thing if you place high (but can be bad if you place low). The loud speaker called out the horse numbers and their placings, "Unanimous first to number 130"! That was me! This meant I had to go back for the Amateur Stallion Championships and more waiting. It was hot in the sun but not bad in the shade but either way I was ready to go home. Finally  my last class came. I was too tired to be nervous. The judges all agreed, once again, on the placings.

You can now cal me the "Unanimous Champion Amateur Stallion". I took home the champion under both the judges. We took out winning photo (there was sadly no photographer in the ring) infront of the "trailer" that brought me to the show (a tradition Mom started with Avalon). Only our "trailer" happened to be Mom's car. Even though I did very well in this past show Mom and I both know we have a lot to do before the big show in March. We would both like to go to the World Show in 2011. Until then we're continueing to train and for now, work on my halloween costume (pictures soon, I promise!). I haven't been able to prove the rumors about Amanda getting a filly true nor false. I guess I'll just have to sit back and watch the gate to see if any fillys stoll on by. I have a feeling Mom knows but isn't saying.
Until next time, I'm out!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Long Awaited Update

Sorry it's been so long since I've had a chance to update everything. Mom's computer broke so she's had to make do with using a temporary one, which isn't exactly Kinson proof, making it hard for me to bring you updates! I finally managed to convince Mom to let me update my blog, as a lot has gone on!

On October 2nd Mom and Amanda took me down to down town Phoenix. I've never been into the city before. I can't say it was my favorite place but I didn't mind it. I walked along the streets, unfortunately wearing the newest contraption Mom purchased (its so she doesn't have to "clean up" after me when I have to go), visited A.S.U. and went to Rainbows Fest which was being held in Heritage Square Park. There were so many people, but I let all who wanted to pet me do so. Mom said I was a really good boy for being so calm. When you have so many fans its whats expected, right?
In addition to gathering hundreds of new fans and visiting A.S.U. I also got to meet Chase Bank's mascot. I'm not sure his name but he sure was excited to see me! I've never seen a dog so big, or so blue. Mom wanted a photo, and so did the dog. He happened to find one of my favorite itchy spots on my whithers, so I guess he was alright! It got me thinking though... I want to be the mascot of some where! I've decided to take over A.S.U. and replace Sparky. Mom is doubtful I can pull it off, but just you wait.

Just a few days after my big day in the city (and a few days after being clipped!) the worst storm I've ever seen hit. Mom felt horrible because she had clipped me on Saturday to go into the city and for my show next Sunday, but thankfully she had clean blankets for me. There was massive wind. It was so strong I was worried I was going to blow away! Then the wind paused for a moment and chunks of ice started to fall from the sky. Mom calls it hail. I've never seen hail before and I don't want to again! It was huge, most pieces were the size of grapes but there was many that were golf ball sized! It hurt when it fell on me. After the hail stopped the rain started. I hid under the porch until it stopped. Then, of course, I had to take advantage of my wet coat and the wet sand by rolling! I was a mess-a freezing mess! Mom cleaned me up then blanketed me. Then just when it started to look like the day was clearing up and my blankets were removed it started all over again. I love this cooler weather but man I don't always love the water works.

My next show is just around the corner. I'm a little under prepared but Mom and I agree that we're after experience more than anything. There's rumors that Amanda may be getting a miniature for herself (once you meet a mini you just have to have your own!) but I can't confirm that at this point in time. I sure hope its a real nice looking filly-with long legs and blonde hair!! Halloween is quickly approaching and Mom and my personal servant are busy working on my costume. Hopefully the weather keeps cool from here on out, especially for Halloween, but it doesn't stay so rainy!

Stay dry every one and blanket your horses if you need to! Until next time, I'm out!

Copyright Eohippus Miniatures/RNB
