Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back to School

Training officially started yesterday. Today it was in full swing more than ever. I'm exhausted! Through out the day Mom comes out and teaches me various things for 15 to 20 minutes then I get to relax for an hour or two. Its different than last year where I did one or two long sessions a day. I much rather these short sessions. I'm young and can't stay focused for that long! I retain the information much better this way too. Already I've got how to square up down. I may not do it perfectly every time but I'm learning. What I'm really after is the treat I get when I square up just about perfect and cant hold it. I can't get enough treats! Of course now that its show season I'm on a diet so I'm limited in my treats. Sometimes I get these "low fat" ones. Mom can give me more of those than the other kind. I don't notice a big taste difference so I'd rather have more of the low fat kind!

Each day Mom has made a lesson plan for me (is the teacher in her obvious or what?!). We focus on one main thing (today was squaring up) then have breaks of lounging in the round pen. I'm learning and building my up muscles (and trimming my fat!). Another thing Mom is focusing on is in hand trail. She mentioned getting me to pivot and bend my body better. Trail looks like more fun than the stuffy halter classes I'm always entered in. I get to do more than just stand there (that means more treats, right?). I heard that if I compete in trail I get to have a new halter. I love buying new halters and looking my best!

After my training was mostly over for the day (we do a little bit in the evening after Mom gets off work) and Mom was busy doing homework my good buddy, Cody, decided to open our gate and let us into the grassy yard. I knew that he was good for something! It was a good half hour before Mom caught us. I may have to work out extra tomorrow but it was more than worth it!!

I'm out for now!,

  P.S. - Sorry for such an old picture of Cody and I. Mom promises to take a new one!


Copyright Eohippus Miniatures/RNB
